David C. Evans
Apr 1, 2024
Fat malabsorption: An underrecognized challenge from pancreatic disease to trauma, critical care, and beyond David C. Evans, MD
Fat digestion and absorption: Normal physiology and pathophysiology of malabsorption, including diagnostic testing Endashaw Omer, MD, MPH and Cristina Chiodi, MD
Fat malabsorption in short bowel syndrome: A review of pathophysiology and management Thomas I. Hirsch, MD; Sarah Z. Wang, MD; Scott C. Fligor, MD; Mikayla Quigley, BS; Kathleen M. Gura, PharmD; Mark Puder, MD, PhD; and Savas T. Tsikis, MD
Fat malabsorption in critical illness George Kasotakis, MD, MPH and Colin Whitmore, DO
Exocrine pancreatic insufffijiciency and fat malabsorption related to pancreatectomy and other gastrointestinal surgery: A narrative review Gareth Morris‐Stifff, MBBCh, PhD
Fat malabsorption in pancreatic cancer: Pathophysiology and management Gretchen Murray, RD; Mitchell L. Ramsey, MD; Phil A. Hart, MD; and Kristen M. Roberts, PhD, RDN
Cystic fijibrosis and fat malabsorption: Pathophysiology of the cystic fijibrosis gastrointestinal tract and the impact of highly efffective CFTR modulator therapy Catherine M. McDonald, PhD, RDN; Elizabeth K. Reid, MS, RDN; John F. Pohl, MD; Tatiana K. Yuzyuk, PhD; Laura M. Padula, MSN, RD; Kay Vavrina, MPA, RD; and Kimberly Altman, MS, RD
Exocrine pancreatic insufffijiciency and pancreatic exocrine replacement therapy in clinical practice Amy J. Berry, MS, RD and Amy Bilbo, MS, RD